Today I would have been 40 weeks pregnant. In fact, I had an induction scheduled for this morning. It was my back up plan (I was induced with both girls because of hypertension). A labor and delivery nurse called at 7:45am today. She was wondering why I didn't show up for my appointment! I kindly explained that I had a one month lying in the crib down the hall.
The last month has been joyous with isaac. While recovery has been difficult and the juggle of 4 kids overwhelming at times, I am so happy mr. i is here. I've enjoyed my "bonus" month with him being so small and precious. It pains me to no end (time! freeze!), but he's growing and getting bigger. I think we've even moved on up from preemie to newborn diapers. :) Isaac's more and more alert each day. He takes everything in, calmly looking around with wide eyes. We're still up every 3-4 hours at night, but I don't even mind that. It's the calmest time of my day!
I just LOVE this tiny one.
p.s. all the picture credit goes to my fabulous friend, amy. She agreed to come over today and take some photos of us together. It was a great way to celebrate one month of isaac's life & such a treat to be in a photo WITH my kids. I love you, amy!
You are beautiful! And his cheek that is resting on the so kissable.
So fun to see your wonderful blog again! Even better with YOU on it.
Posted by: Missy | November 17, 2009 at 09:41 PM
thought Id answer that lens question here...
its the 24-70 2.8
my workhorselens!
Posted by: elizabeth | November 05, 2009 at 06:41 AM
oh my, just gorgeous. you both look great! and i love the study you did of isaac. which lens? makes me want to have another. and you're right, nursing at night is the quietest time of the day.
Posted by: bentley waters | November 05, 2009 at 06:34 AM
this picture is gorgeous. so so beautiful. you are beautiful. that baby boy is beautiful. so glad he's doing well and you are happy.
Posted by: Rachel Clare | November 01, 2009 at 09:44 PM
i love that picture. you are just oozing mommy joy! what a treat that little man is :)
Posted by: camille | October 31, 2009 at 12:41 PM
I love both people in that picture! And, I love the photographer. So honored to have friends that are dripping with such talent! So glad you are in front of the lens for a change -- you are such a beauty!! Having Isaac here and having you blog again is making life complete.
Posted by: Staceyord | October 29, 2009 at 10:16 AM
Ahh are BOTH beautiful. This pictures just makes me THAT more excited to meet my little one!
Posted by: Heather M | October 28, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Elizabeth, this picture is BEAUTIFUL! You are such a good mommy. :)
Posted by: Marcie | October 28, 2009 at 11:00 PM
ummm...hello this picture is priceless, I love it. I can totally relate to loving the quiet alone with the bebe...his cheeks are filling out and he is just so cute!!! you are absolutely beaming in this photo :)
Posted by: sara | October 28, 2009 at 10:08 PM
You and Issac both look great! You make having 4 easy. I can only hope I look that good a month after giving birth!!!
Posted by: [email protected] | October 28, 2009 at 08:10 PM
Love, love, LOVE it! I'm happy you are back to blogging somewhat. Love you, Sister. Issac is beautiful. He looks like his he should :) Nice work. Nice work!
Posted by: sister | October 28, 2009 at 06:14 PM